Well busy making all the preparations for the weekend that Leanne, Rosalie, Viv & Gail are coning. Only 12 days I think till they arrive. I have been making up the goody bags. 40 bags, well it has been fun.
I'm really looking forwards to the weekend. The ladies that come are just wonderful and it takes me about two weeks to get every thing back to normal but it is so worth it.
Tiffany was helping me but I think the boy friend just rocked up and she has gone. Well looks like it up to me. I love doing it any way.
Tiffany has taken up a new hobby with her new boy friend and that hobby seams to be taking up space in my shop office.
Yes it is a BMX bike. Tiff is really enjoying it but we have had some much needed rain here so the bike has had a break during the holidays so far.
Mark is out at the old homestead at Pyap. This is where we where living. We had it up for sale but it didn't sell so we are now going to turn it into a Bed & Breakfast. We are having so much fun getting it ready. Mark and myself have brought some great furniture and that will start to arrive next week. Mark is out sanding the kitchen floor so it looks really nice. We had to get a new bath it came about tree weeks ago and sat in the shop for about a week. We got some really interesting comments about it.
The bath is now out at the house. My shop class room is being taken over by furniture but that will all have to go before the weekend when all the ladies come.
Well I will keep you posted out the B&B. Just another thing to keep us busy but we both love it.
Well better get back to finishing of the goody bags.
Till next time